Crescent film classes starting soon

Larry Cowan
4 September 2015
Level 1
Crescent Arts Centre
026 - Lights, Camera, Action: Level 1
Visual Arts - Larry Cowan
Tuesdays 17.30 - 19.15
10 weeks
Starts 15 September to 8 December
A practical and fun course in short filmmaking, introducing every aspect of the process and culminating in the production of a short film that the class will collectively write and produce as a production team.
This will be a DIY film class for those of all ages and experience, ideal for those who want to gain a foundation in filmmaking, or just have some fun making a film.
All equipment and materials provided. As well as the Class in the Crescent, we will also have filming day on the 7 November and a film screening later in the year.
Level 2
Crescent Arts Centre
216 - Lights, Camera, Action: Level 2
Visual Arts - Larry Cowan
Wednesdays 19.00 - 20.30
12 weeks
Starts 16 September to 9 December
So you've made a short film - what's next?
In this course, we will cover the next stages in the film process, including script development, funding, copyright and legal issues, rights to material, preparing a pitch, case studies, packaging a film, shooting the trailer, film festivals, marketing, and distribution.
We will also have a filming day on a Saturday to record a film short trailer to complete our film package. This class is for those who have a bit of experience, or who have attended the Level 1 class.